Junior - all shared fines
Here are all of the fines that have been shared by Junior of the VUW Stubbies.
Venue | Offence | Fine | Sentence |
Thu, 10 Sep 2015 | Cockblocking big Si in Thailand, and psyching the big man out in Thailand to the point that he couldn't follow through even when offered an uninterrupted 'two for the price of one' opportunity. Repeat offending less than 6 months after his last offence) | 2 | Must buy a round for the team anytime he is seen cockblocking during the post-court session night out - OBL edit: this is a disgraceful accusation with no factual basis and will be challenged |
Sat, 02 Nov 2013 | Making himself unavailable for the first game of the season and forcing Duane to risk his groin by performing Sheriff duties. *Possible mitigating circumstances as the game was rained off...) | 1.5 |
If a fine doesn't appear in this list, it's because none of the players on the team — VUW Stubbies — have chosen to share it with others. (Some fines are best kept within the team!)