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Fine Schedules and Rules

Here are all of the team fine schedules that are available for public viewing. Use them to get ideas for your own Kangaroo Court rules, create a schedule of your own, then share it! .

Aussie Rules - Western Districts B grade

Offence Amount
Giving a free away 0.5
Out on the full 1
Holding the ball 1
Public affection 2
Starting a fight 5
Running late for a game 5
Missing a game 5
P*** weak injuries 5
Giving a 50 away 50

Aussie Rules - Palmerston Falcons

Palmerston Falcons AFL Masters

Offence Amount
Backing up at training 2
Excessive Plover chat 2
Beer at training or game without a possession 2
Talk it Up 2
False fine accusation 2
Diving for a mark 2
No Falcons attire at training 2
No beer after Wednesday training 2
Falcon 2
Charlie talking about "THAT" goal 2
Turning up to training or game without footy boots 2
Warming up away from the main group 2
P*** poor beer organisation 2
Got towelled up by a girl 2
Snitches get Stitches 2
Don't Dog the Boys 2
Photo in the media 5
No Falcons attire at game 5
Leaving the Falcons 5
Caught watching Mafs 5

Aussie Rules - Flagstaff Hill FC

List of Fineable Offences

Offence Amount
Media (team) 5
Massage table time (excessive repeat offence) 5
Any confirmed viewing of MAFS 5
Missing training with 'soreness' 5
Injury during training 5
Questionable behaviour 5
More than one item of compression gear on 5
Questionable boots 5
Questionable haircut 5
Football self promotion on social media 5
Leaving boots behind 5
50m penalty 5
In game u-turn 5
In-game Falcon 5
Late to Training (w/o excuse) 5
Leaving bag behind 5
Needing to borrow any kit for match day 10
Media (individual) 10
Absence from Presentations 10
Non-flaggy Kit 10
Missing a social event (w/o excuse) 10
Goal Square Miss 25
Missing the team song after a win 25

Aussie Rules - Belco 3rd Div

Offence Amount
Not attending Club after home games 1
S*** chat 1
Unpaid Raffle Tickets 2
S*** Kit 2
Locker Room Foul 2
Prolonged Rehab 2
"I don't have any cash on me" 2
Late to training or game with poor / no excuse 2
Talk while coach is talking (optional lap to be taken) 2
Forgetting boots / gear 2
S*** Haircut 2
Missing Training with poor / no excuse 2
6/6/6 Breach 2
Missing training / games for Festival or other poor excuse 2
Burned player to have shot on goal 2
Injured @ training 2
Miscellaneous 2
Leaving training early with no / poor excuse 2
Wearing other clubs apparel (AFL excluded) 2
Missed Coaches run 3
Injured on the p!ss 5
Unsportsmanlike conduct 5
50m Penalty 10
Photo on any forms of media (Football related) 10
Party foul(s) 10
Reported 25
Reported and games missed 25

Aussie Rules - Victoria Pt Redlands Sharks Senior Women’s team

OK ladies - here are our list of fineable offences for the season. Let’s see how we go!!

Offence Amount
Out on the full 1
Injured at training 1
Hitting the post 1
False fine accusations 1
Saying sorry 1
Running late for game (without excuse) 2
Needing to borrow any gear on match day 2
Missing a game 2
Getting a mention on the Facebook page 2
Getting a photo of you posted on the Facebook page 2
Turning up to the game hungover 2
Not staying for a drink after a home game 2
Running late for training with no or poor excuse 2
In game falcon 2
Leaving bag/belongings behind 2
Talk while coach is talking 2
Not knowing the team song 2
Not attending functions (without excuse) 3
50 metre penalty 3
Starting a fight 4
Texting/making phone call during match 5
Texting or answering phone during team meeting 5
Questionable behaviour 5
Kissing the senior boys 5
Getting sent off 10
Reported 10

Aussie Rules - Colac Imperials Div 3 Women (Ultimate Ressies)

Updated after training/games. Money to be collected at season's end by the court judge, the Honourable Ruby Manson. Court session to be completed at season's end.

Offence Amount
P***-farting around at training 0
Group fine for less than 16 on game day (each player on this list pays) 1
False fine accusations (ya sneaky b****) 1
Hitting the post 1
Group fine for less than 12 at training (each person on this list pays) 1
If the host of the happy hat doesn’t upload 3 photos in the week we all pay 1
Falconed at training/game 2
Name in paper 2
Late to training 2
Missing a goal from the square 2
Forgetting your dinosaur 2
Giving away a 50 5
Failing to tell Tim you can't play/train (inc polls) 5
Photo in paper 5
Forgetting any part of your game day gear (boots, socks etc) 5
Using your phone during the game 5
Pulling out of a game on Saturday night/Sunday morning after too many Oprah Tin-frey's 10
Losing your dinosaur #RIP 10

Aussie Rules - Woden Blues

2022 Fines

Offence Amount
S*** chat 1
Wearing other clubs apparel (AFL excluded) 2
Leaving training early with no / poor excuse 2
Miscellaneous 2
Injured @ training 2
Burned player to have shot on goal 2
Missing training / games for Festival or other poor excuse 2
Missing Training with poor / no excuse 2
S*** Haircut 2
Forgetting boots / gear 2
Talk while coach is talking (optional lap to be taken) 2
Late to training or game with poor / no excuse 2
"I don't have any cash on me" 2
Prolonged Rehab 2
Locker Room Foul 2
S*** Kit 2
6/6/6 Breach 2
Dissent 2
Raffle Tickets 2
Injured on the p!ss 5
Missing compulsory function 10
Party foul(s) 10
Photo on any forms of media (Football related) 10
50m Penalty 10
Reported 10
Reported and games missed 25

Aussie Rules - Belco Magpies Senior Mens


Offence Amount
Saying "Sorry" 1
leaving gear behind 2
"I dont have any cash" 2
Dropped chesty 2
Playing shirt not returned 2
Out of bounds on the full (gameday) 2
Incorrect attire 2
Zero touches on gameday 3
Hit point post; training or gameday 3
Consumption of banana with eye contact 3
Late to training 3
Late to training 3
Falcon 4
P****** off DB 5
50M for moving off the mark prematurely 5
50M for arguing with umps 5
Dirty delete on the footy loop 5
Late to gameday 5
Rep gear at training 5
Abuse of Fines System and/or Enforcers 6
50M penalty 10

Aussie Rules - Philip island Vets

Offence Amount
Miss from the goal square 1
Falcon 1
Giving away a 50 1
Appear in the local paper- name or picture 1
Taking a selfie 1
Forget uniform 1
Getting Poison and Phantom mixed up 1
Out on the full 1
Drunken shenanigans 1

Aussie Rules - EFC 2024 FINES

Offence Amount
Pay fine or roll the dice of (mis)fortune - roll for every $10 0
Late to training 1
Asking what time training/report time/event time is even though it’s written in a message 1
Leaving personal items behind at home games/training 2
Missed training 2
Phone ring out load in team meetings 2
Loved up posts on instagram 2
Rig out picture on instagram 2
Didn't post recovery after game 2
Missed game report time 5
Not attending pressos/club function 5
Forgetting boots for game/training 5
No club colours on game day 5
Leaving personal items behind at away games 5
Appearing in league newspaper, facebook, instagram 5
Give away a 50m penalty 5
Falcon 5
Kicking into man on the mark in game 5
Called out in budget 5
Call of the wild appearance 10
Yellow card 10
Red card 15
Suspended 20
Miss game for holiday (per game missed) 25

Aussie Rules - Marion FC Senior Women's Team

Marion FC Senior Women's 2024

Offence Amount
Missing training with soreness 2
Injured at training 2

Aussie Rules - Lancefield Senior Womens

Offence Amount
Tattoos (50c per tattoo) 0
Pick 9 in footy tipping. 1
Falcon. 1
Leaving personal items behind after traing or game 1
Photo in media external to club socials 1
Talking over coaches, captains or leadership when being addressed. 1
Using Mobile during training or game. 1
Hitting goal post in training or game 1
Not wearing team training top to training. 1
Wearing other team apparel to training. 1
Leaving training early for s*** reason. 1
Mobile ringing during team meeting. 1
Being involved in s selfie. 1
Late to or miss training or game W/o notice. 1
Not attending club functions without reputable excuse. 2
Missing any item of kit on game day. 2
Not attending team functions without reputable excuse. 5
50m penalty during game. 5

Aussie Rules - Mitcham Hawkettes 2025

Offence Amount
going home with mitcham hawks player 0.5
partner attending game 0.5
PDA with mitcham hawks player 0.5
name/photo in paper/hawk talk 0.5
late for presentations 0.5
mouthguard falling out during play in games 1
forgetting boots/socks/shorts/mouthguard (game day) 1
falling over during game 1
hitting post when goal kicking (game day) 1
kicking/running the wrong way (game day) 1
falcon during training/game 1
s*** fake tan 1
not knowing the song 1
late arrival (game day) 2
argue with crowd 2
starting/involvement in a fight (game day) 2
vomiting at the club 2
leaving water bottle/clothing 2
photo on club social media/newspaper/media outlet 2
not paying for events on time 2
not rocking up to set up/clean up 5
red/yellow card 5
giving away a 25m penalty 5
unsending message in MFC group 5
going to the wrong oval 5

Baseball - Wellington Sluggers

Wellington Sluggers fines for the season. We based ours on the list from - plus we added a few extras. We also have a tonne of other miscellaneous fines (for being an idiot, swearing at the coach, bad haircuts etc) that we just record as they happen as we like to add more information specific to the offense that took place. This list is just the regular fines that happen often.

Offence Amount
Striking out 0.5
Stepping on the Baseline 0.5
Not Hustling 0.5
Making first out at third base 1
Making last out at third base 1
Blowing a double play 1
Throwing ball wide of the baseman 1
Stepping on the Pitchers Mound 1
Working the count needlessly 1
Stealing unnecessarily 1
Swinging at a 3-0 pitch when we're way ahead 1
Bunting on a no-hitter 1
Turning up late to practice 1
Missing practice without a reason 1
Diving for a catch and dropping the ball (*Can be more if multiple base runners cross home) 1.5
Bunting in front of a power hitter 1.5
Striking out with 2 on 1.5
Saying the words 'No Hitter' 1.5
Turning up late to the game 1.5
Arguing with the umpire 2
Pulling bat back on a suicide squeeze 2
Missing a game without a reason 2
Being hungover at the game (*can be raised if it results in other fines) 2
Making a fuss about being subbed off 2.5
Turning up late to Court 3
Leaving rubbish after the game (*can be increased if the Captain has to be the one that cleans it up) 3

Baseball - 16U USAthletics Legault

List of Fines for the 2020 16U USAthletic Season. Additional offences and fines can be added per the Sheriff(s).

Offence Amount
Striking Out Looking 0.5
Stepping on the Baseline 0.5
Making first out at third base 1
Making last out at third base 1
Blowing a double play 1
Throwing ball wide of the baseman 1
Stepping on the Pitcher's Mound 1
Working the count needlessly 1
Stealing innecessarily 1
Swinging at a 3-0 pitch when we're way ahead 1
Bunting on a no-hitter 1
Late to practice 1
Missing practice without a reason 1
Diving for a catch and dropping the ball (*Can be more if multiple base runners cross home) 1.5
Bunting in front of power hitter 1.5
Striking out with 2 on 1.5
Saying the words "No Hitter" 1.5
Late to a game 1.5
Not Hustling 2
Arguing or bad mouthing the Umpire 2
Pulling bat back on a suicide squeeze 2
Missing a game without a reason 2
Making a fuss about being subbed off 2.5
Turning up late to Court 3
Leaving rubbish after the game (*can be increased if the Captain has to be the one that cleans up) 3
Negativity in the dugout (includes pouting and bad attitudes) 3
Poor sportsmanship to officals or opposing team 5

Baseball - Schofield Pincers

Offence Amount
Unwashed Kit 0.5
Blowing a Double Play 0.5
Caught Stealing 0.5
Not Hustling To First 0.5
Throwing The Ball Away 0.5
Misfield 0.5
Dropped Catch 0.5
Stepping On The Baseline 0.5
Not On Deck 0.5
Not Sliding On A Play 0.5
Strike Out Swinging 0.5
Making Excuses 0.5
Not Knowing The Count 0.5
Picked Off 1
Balk 1
Running Through A Base (2nd or 3rd) 1
Late To A Game 1
Arguing With The Ump 1
Bat Throw 1
Dummy Spit 1
Strike Out Looking 1
Complaining About an Injury 1
Getting Injured On-Field 1
Helmet Throw 1
Not Replying To A Game Day Poll 1
Catcher Being The Last One On The Diamond 1
Caught In A Run Down 1
Not Knowing A Rule 1
Not Running When Told 1
Show Up Hungover 1
Forgetting Equipment 1
Getting Out Bunting 1.5
Forget Your Position 1.5
Getting Injured Off-Field 2
Miss A Game Due To A Hangover 10
Hit By Pitch 500

Basketball - EC Hoop Squad

Offence Amount
Jerrick Ejection 5

Basketball - Wallan Panthers 2018 Youth League

List of fines for the 2018 Wallan Panthers Youth League season. 4 Technical Fouls = 1 Game Suspension, Any subsequent technical fouls = 2 Game Suspension Double Pay on Away Games for all team members Double Pay for Captains, Taxi & Brad All Fines due on 2nd monday after the game/training.

Offence Amount
Late Per Minute (1 Hour 10 Mins Before Game) 1
Missed Fast Break Lay-up 2
Talk Back to Coach In Game 2
Using Phone During Team Meeting 5
Phone Alerts During Match Spread (Unless Urgent) 5
Media (Photo in Paper, Mention in Big V Article/Video) 5
Fail To Inform Coaches of Late or Absence To Training 5
Falcon 5
2 Games Foul Out 5
Dress Code (Polo, Hoodie, Slacks, Dress Shoes) 10
Playing Uniform Per Item (Shooter Top, Singlet, Shorts, Shoes) 10
Air Ball Free-Throw In Game 10
Technical Foul 50
Ejection 100

Basketball - Lakeside Lightning

This is the list of fines for the 2018 SBL season.

Offence Amount
First SBL game 2

Basketball - Monstars

Offence Amount
buzzer beater game winner -10
go ahead bucket 2 miuns left -5
Strip and Score -2
Draw a charge -2
Putting Opp. On Skates -2
Chase Down Block -2
Terrible Last Shot Attempt 2
0 Points 2
Poor Hustle 2
Turning A Dime Into A Dud 2
Airball Free 2
Bad Turnover To Score 2
Terrible Pass to opp. score 2
Missed Open Layup 2
Talking About Reality Tv 2
arrive within 10 minutes of game start 2
Nutmegged 2
Miss 3 Frees In A Game 4
Time Penalty/violation. Beside foot 5
Falcon 5
Tech 5
Fouling out 10
Late 10
Draymond Green (foul out, no points) 12
Ejection 15

Basketball - WNBL1 Redbacks

Offence Amount
Left something behind 3
Media fine 3
Said/did something stupid 5
Incorrect uniform 5
Finesmaster's discretion 5
Went to wrong location 5
Late without notifying 5
Didn't watch film 5
Didn't do pool recovery 5
Didn't go to Sporting Globe 5
Tech foul 10
Unsportsmanlike foul 10
Fouled out 10
Airball free throw 10
Player of the Week 10

Cornish hurling! - Opus Ultimate

List of fines for the Opus Ultimate Frisbee Team. Currently being refined. Each 1 point is equal to $1 which will be tallied up at the end of the season for food and drinks. If you are in the negative by the end of the season the points will be transferred to the next season.

Offence Amount
Go Fetch! Catching the disc in your mouth -5
Callahan -2
Playing Savage (ie; with no subs), -1 for each of the players -1
Bookends -1
Spicy Dish, An awesome throw with alot of sauce. -1
Layout D -0.5
Epic Layout or Sky (extra -0.5 if it's for a score) -0.5
Multiple D's in a possession -0.5
Block, footblock extra -0.5 -0.5
Fine(s) carried over from previous season(s) 0
Payment of fine(s) 0
Not bidding on a catchable disc 0.5
Undefended drop in the endzone 0.5
Losing track of player and having them score 0.5
Off target scoober, hammer or thumber 0.5
Bricked Pull 0.5
Pull that doesn't reach half way 0.5
Dropped Pull 0.5
Late for Game 0.5
Staying on for too long without subbing (dependant on amount of subs) 0.5
Not playing due to a very minor injury that could easily be played through(i.e; the Grant Taylor Fine) 0.5
Forgetting which way you're going 0.5
Trying to sub in the middle of a point 0.5
Calling poach or open then getting D'd. 1
Missing game without reasonable excuse or warning 1
Turnover when there was an open dump 1
Throwing a disc and getting Callahaned 2
Spirit foul 3

Cornish hurling! - Dynamo Dugout

Fines to be recorded and collected on an ongoing basis by the Sheriff Fines can be contested in Court by appeal to the Jury Jury consists of a rotating panel of three people with majority rules Unsuccessful appeals will result in fines (x2) All further disputes will be settled by VAR (MB) Fines can be amended/ added to by the Jury (again – majority rules) Positions rotate on a monthly basis VAR is also subject to fining All funds accumulated over the course of the window to be used for team refreshments at the end of said window/ start of the next R&Rs Sheriff to manage/ own fines list. He/ she also always sits on the Jury Jury to rule on appeals VAR to rule on any further disputes/ escalation

Offence Amount
Late to work in the morning 0.5
Late to Internal call/meeting 0.5
Failure to implement UEFA/Kia Guidelines 0.5
Spellers and Grammar 0.5
Using '&' in Docs 0.5
Full Stop/ Non Full Stop 0.5
Stakeholders on Emails 0.5
Internal Meeting Notes - Late 0.5
PeopleHR Faux Pas 0.5
Late to External call/meeting 1
Missed Internal Deadline 1
External Meeting Notes - Late 1
Missed External Deadline 3

Cricket - VUW Stubbies

The time-honoured Stubbies fines schedule - refined over 13 years of use! "At the end of the season we have a court session, where everyone has to repay their debt to society by drinking the equivalent of their total fines for the season. 1 fine usually equates to one cup of beer, however, any individual fines worth more than 1 are often liable for harsher forms of punishment, in the form of 'mystery spirit', which is usually provided by either the Sheriff or VC. There's usually some room for leniency/cruelty - depending on the nature of the offence, whether the accused has previously offended, how the rest of the team view the crime etc." These are just a few of many possible fines...

Offence Amount
Three wides in an over 0.5
Bowling a beamer that gets hit for 4 0.5
Bowling a beamer off the first ball of the spell 0.5
Poor bowling denying the team a wicket taken on a free hit 0.5
14-15 runs off an over 0.5
Poor strike rate 0.5
Consecutive dot balls (four or five) 0.5
Party to a maiden (non-striker) 0.5
Misfield that goes for 4 0.5
Overthrow that goes for 4 0.5
Missed catch/run-out/stumping 0.5
Losing the toss 0.5
16-19 runs off an over 1
Getting hit for a 6 resulting in the ball being lost 1
Getting hit for consecutive 6s 1
Bowling a beamer that gets hit for 6 1
Consecutive dot balls (six or seven) 1
Party to a maiden (striker) 1
Party to a wicket maiden (non-striker) 1
Party to a wicket maiden (not out striker) 1
Duck 1
Wrongly triggering someone (non-Sheriff fine) 1
Dropped catch 1
Being the Captain (on-field) 1
Being the Captain (off-field) 1
Being the VC 1
Being the Sheriff 1
Being a wog 1
Being the oldest in the team 1
Being the youngest in the team 1
Being the tallest in the team 1
Missing an official team event (as declared by the Captain) 1
20-29 runs off an over 1.5
Consecutive dot balls (eight to eleven) 1.5
Party to a wicket maiden (dismissed batsman) 1.5
Golden duck 1.5
30-36 runs off an over 2
Diamond duck 2
Royal golden duck 2
37+ runs off an over, thereby exceeding the theoretical maximum (the ’02 Rule’) 2.5
Royal diamond duck 2.5
Assault on an Officer of the Court at the Courtie (the ‘Juan Rule’) 2.5
Non-cricket fine (non-Sheriff fine) 2.5

Cricket - Norths Centurions

This is an example fine schedule for the Norths Centurions. For our end-of-season court session, each player has to contribute $15 for food/booze. They also have to donate their fine money to the team's chosen charity, where 1 fine = $1. E.g. If Jeff has 10 fines, he has to pay $25 ($15 for the court session, and $10 donation). Failure to show up or pay up results in additional fines for the next season....

Offence Amount
(Batting) Poor strike rate - less than 100% after facing 5 or more balls 0.5
(Batting) Facing 4 dot balls in a row 0.5
(Bowling) Bowling 3 wides in an over 0.5
(Bowling) Bowling a beamer and getting hit for 4 0.5
(Fielding) Misfield that goes for 4 0.5
(Bowling) Getting hit for 14 or more off an over 0.5
(Fielding) Not sledging at all when the batsman deservces a bit of stick 0.5
(Bowling) Getting hit for 16 or more off an over 1
(Batting) Duck 1
(Batting) Facing a solo maiden (*can be worth more if it's at a crucial point in the game) 1
(Bowling) Getting hit for 6, resulting in the ball being lost 1
(Bowling) Getting hit for consecutive 6s 1
(Bowling) Bowling a no-ball beamer that goes for 6 1
(Off-field) Missing a required after-match function E.g. Casino night 1
(Fielding) Overly aggressive sledging and getting told off 1
(Fielding) Dropping a catch 1.5
(Batting) Golden duck 1.5
(Umpiring) Wrongly triggering someone when umpiring (*can be 'reviewed' at Court Session) 1.5
(Batting) Facing 8 or more dot balls in a row 1.5
(Bowling) Getting hit for more than 20 off an over 1.5
(Fielding) Dropping a catch (after already dropping another previously) 1.5
(Batting) Diamond duck - Getting runout without facing a ball 2
(Batting) Royal golden duck 2
(Batting) Royal diamond duck! 2.5

Cricket - Manifold heights CC 1st

Fines for the 1st, 2nds and the 3rds

Offence Amount
Wide/No ball 1
Picture in the paper (per cm) 1
Miss Feilds 1
Highest Score 2
Lowest Score 2
S*** shot 2
Best Figures 2
Worst Figures 2
Dropped Catch 2
Bye 2
Doing F*** All 2
Public Affection 2
Incorrect Uniform 2
Name in the Paper 2
Being Late 2
Stupid S*** 2
Duck 5
Dropped Catch Off Bowling 5
Facebook Love 5
Golden Duck 10
Diamond Duck 10

Cricket - Rotorua Central Cricket - Reserves

fines for the central cricket club reserves team 2016/2017

Offence Amount
Dropped Catch 1
Mis-field that causes a boundary 1
Poor throw to the Keeper 1
Going for more than 14 in an over 1
Getting hit for consecutive boundaries 1
More than 3 wides in an over 1
Duck 1
Run Out 1
Blocking out a maiden 1
Watching a maiden from the Non-Strikers End 1
Top Score 1
Lowest Score 1
Incorrect Uniform 1
Forgetting your gear 1
Being a t***** (Captain) 1
Using a First Name 1
Name in the Paper 1
Photo in the Paper (per cm) 1
Audible Sledge that gets rebuffed 1
Not sledging when its clearly warranted 1
Giving your mate out LBW/Run Out 1
Golden Duck 2
Running your mate out 2
Watching a wicket maiden from the Non Strikers End 2

Cricket - Clarence District Cricket Club

Tomorrow we look forward to the new sheriff in town. All fines must be paid before ball 1 from last week no excuses, failure to do so it's automatically doubled. Tomorrow expect sore cheeks and lips! Sam Rainbird you still owe the group so a bag of lollies post game is required.

Offence Amount
Late per minute 1
Loss in ⚽️ Soccer 1
Clumsy error 1
Non curcuit 1
Borrowing gear 1
First out in headies 1
Wrong apparel per item 2
1st out in headers 2
No shower 2
Public Affection 2
Giving Donuts 2
Drinking in spikes 2

Cricket - Team Boon

Team Boon fines list 2019/20

Offence Amount
Late to Game 1
Uniform 1
Etiquette 1
Dirty Daryl Tuffey 1
Batting 1
Mighty Ducks 1
Picket Fence 1
Ben Patton 1
Lance Cairns 1
Batting Milestone 1
Dan Vettori 1
Chris Harris 1
Shane Watson 1
Phil Mckay 1
Martin Guptill 1
Ross Taylor 1
Trippling 1
Picket Fence 1
Bowling Milestone 1
Andrew Fergus 1
Jonny Direen 1
Chris Cairns 1
Roy Rogers 1
Steve Smith 1
The Rigger 1
The Big Show 1
Dissent 1
Mockers 1
Non congratulations 1
Assuming the role 1
Fine if week 1
Miscellaneous 1
Skippers Choice 2
Finemasters choice 2

Cricket - OSCC

OSCC Fines

Offence Amount
Fielding: Byes 0.1
Batting: Dropped in the Field 0.2
Bowling: Hit for 6 0.2
Bowling: Wide/No Ball 0.2
Batting: Out in 40s or 90s 0.5
Batting: Run Out 0.5
Bowling: In Hat or Glasses 0.5
Batting: Caught & Bowled 0.5
General: Abuse of Kit 0.5
Fielding: Drop - Toughy 0.5
General: No Fine, Fine 0.5
Batting: Batting Through Without 100 0.5
General: No Shower 0.5
General: Miscellaneous 0.5
General: Did F*&# All 0.5
General: Providing Kit 0.5
General: None white socks (per foot) 0.5
Bowling: Economy More Than 6 0.5
Team: Less Than 5 Wickets 0.5
Batting: 10 or Less 0.5
General: Late 0.5
Team: Less Than 100 Runs 0.5
Fielding: Misfield - General 0.5
Batting: A Pair (Ducks) 0.5
Fielding: Misfield - Howler (By Recommendation) 1
Fielding: Drop - Sitter (Two Hands) 1
General: Borrowing Kit 1
General: Shirt out (sustained 2 overs) 1
General: Dirty Kit 1
Batting: Running Someone Out 1
Batting: Kempy Walk Off 1
Batting: Out on 99 or 49 1
General: Missed Start 1
Bowling: Kempy Over (8 or more balls) 1
General: Missed Last or Next Game 1
Enforcer Discretion 1
Batting: Duck 1
Batting: Golden Duck 1.5
Batting: Diamond Duck 2

Cricket - Bickley Park CC

Bickley Park 2022

Offence Amount
Wide 0.5
Bad miss field 0.5
Duck 1
Wrong kit 1
Don’t fine anyone 1
No ball 1.5
Drop catch 1.5
No fines 2
Lateness 2.5
Missed Stumping 5

Cricket - Babbacombe CC 2nd XI

Main Fine List

Offence Amount
Score 100 or 5fer 0
Skipper Losing Toss 0.1
No Ball/Wides 0.1
Unwashed Whites 0.2
Jug Avoidance 0.2
5Fer or 100 Scored (everyone else) 0.2
D*** of the day 0.2
Duck 0.5
Dropped Catch 0.5
Run Out Fault 0.5
Golden Duck 1

Cricket - Punters XI

Offence Amount
Overthrow 1
Misfield resulting in extra runs 1
Breaking a bail 1
No ball 1
Wide 1
$1 for every 10 runs the matter after you makes, Max $5 1
15 balls without scoring a run 1
Wearing another clubs merch 1
Being the youngest in the team 1
Being the oldest in the team 1
Being the tallest in the team 1
Dropped Catch 2
Duck 2
Rock up to game in full whites 2
Running out a teammate 2
Getting hit for 12 or more in an over 2
Not getting a fine 2
Rock up to game drunk (Shepherd rule) 2
Not coming to pub on washed out day 3
Misfield resulting in boundary 3
Not coming back to the club without a valid excuse to be approved by Feola (Home games only) 5
Giving a teammate out controversially 5
Bowling pace to a junior (Lagastes Rule) 5
Head high beamer 5
Golden Duck 5
Not getting fines in on time 10
Coming out without equipment 20

Cricket - Bulimba Cricket Club

Offence Amount
Debut 5
Equipment Abuse 5
Poor Groundsman 5
Royal Duck 5
Captaincy Failure 5
Horticultural Ineptitude 5
Elder Abuse 5
Upsetting Team Morale 5
Starting the collapase 5
Contempt of Court 5
Dropped Catch 5
Poor Fielding 5
Debut Wicket 5
Failure to convert 5
Forgetting T***/Dropped Catch Hat 5
Debut 50 5
Passenger 5
Debut 5 for 5
Groundsman Abuse 5
Umpire Abuse 5
Late to game (per over) 5
Poor Bowling 5
Strike Rate Less Than Jim 5
S*** Chat 5
LTD (Less than Daley) 5
Diamond Duck 5
Self Promotion 5
Golden Duck 5
TBC abuse 5
Poor Batting 5
General Ineptitude 5
Bringing the game into disrepute 5
Luke Campbell C*** Award 5
Injury 5
Duck 5
General "s*** blokery" 5

Cricket - Manifold Heights

Offence Amount
late per min 1
letting through byes 1
Wide/No ball 1
Borrowing gear 1
leave gear at training/gameday 2
media photo 3
Dropped catch 3
Duck 3
Walk on field before skipper 5
on phone while umpiring 5
Vaping in change/clubrooms 5
BBQing teammate 5
Golden Duck 5
Duck (top 6) 6
On p*** night before 10
Golden Duck (top 6) 10
miss game for holiday 10
royal duck 25
diamond duck 25

Golf - FLOG

FLOG 2014 Fines

Offence Amount
In correct sign off to emails 1
Fine Master Abuse 1

Golf - Liverpool 2020

Fines for the Liverpool/Preston trip 2020

Offence Amount
Being a c*** 1
S****** (left in bunker) 1
Missed green par 3 1
Club abuse 1
Water 💦 1
4 putt 1
Lost ball 1
Bunker to bunker 1
Arguing fine 1
SF missed par 3 2
Railway 2
Under 10 points 5

Golf - Duffy Tour

Duffy tour fines

Offence Amount
Ladies Tee 1
OJ simpson 1
OB wangtang 1
Back 2 the Future: 1
Golden Ball 1
Portuguese Caddy 1
Lord of the rings 2
4 Putt 2
Lost Property 2
Drol Gesig 3

Golf - Mo8se

The Moose

Offence Amount
Hitler - Two shots in a bunker 5
Dead Sheep - Putting with 4 balls on the green and its Still Ewe 5
Mandurah Virty - Being in/on the waters 5
Touch of a Rapist - 4 putt(round 1 and 3), 3 (Putt round 2) 5
A Moose - 10 or more shots on a hole 10
Little S*** (aka the Jimmy) - Not hitting past the ladies tee 10
Max 30
Cheating - Will result in a loss of the hole and further indiscretions could result in DQ 50

Hockey - Somerville Div 2 Gals

Offence Amount
Losing stick on field 1
Not coming to the game 1
Not coming to training 1
Green card 1
Arguing with the ref 1
Scoring own goal 2
Missing an open goal 2
Yellow card 2
Yellow card 2
Red card 3

Hockey - MCC MPD

MCC MPD Hockey fines for on and off field behaviour. All proceeds go to end of season event

Offence Amount
Miss training 1
Green card 2
Intercept Pass leading to goal 2
Miss open goal 2
Not in change rooms 45min before game 2
Windy 2
Not joining Kangaroo Court (weekly) 2
Missing team dinner (notice) 2
Chatting in wrong group 2
Not passing to open player with better shot on goal 2
Falling over on the field 2
Stupid Forward Passes 3
Green Card for back chat 4
Wrong Kit on colour clash 5
Late - Not dressed/ready 30 min before game 5
Mention "Perth" 5
Miss Stroke 5
Miss open winning goal 5
Mention "Softball" 5
Getting injured during game 5
Scoring a goal for another Senior Team 5
Missing team dinner (no notice) 5
Yellow Card 10
Missing Kit (Forgot Jersey/shorts) 10
Late - Miss Warm up 10
Not available for a game 10
Missing team dinner (late withdrawal) 10
Forget Stick 20
Late - Miss Start of Game 20
Have decision reversed against us 20
Lose Stick 30
Red card 50

Hockey - BOPISC

The is a list of fines for QBT 2018.

Offence Amount
Missing an open goal 2
Rocking up late 2
Missing a team talk etc 2
Miscellaneous 2 2
Incorrect kit 2
Arguing with the ref 3
Miscellaneous 3 3
Miscellaneous 4 4
Missed a stroke 5
Miscellaneous 5 5
Green Card 6
Yellow Card 10
Red Card 20

Hockey - USPHC Men 2

Usphc men 2 fines for the 2018/19 season

Offence Amount
Mom vote -0.5
Late - arriving after scheduled meet time 0.5
Dropped stick 0.5
Fallen over dramatically 0.5
Squarial 0.5
Reversial 0.5
Acting like a spoilt teen princess 0.5
Dod vote 0.5
Missed training with no excuse 0.5
Not joining kangaroo court 0.5
Late - Missing the warm up 1
Arguing with the umpire 1
Arguing with a team mate 1
Mutiny - arguing with the current captain 1
Defecting to another team 1
Forgetting your kit (per item) 1
Not owning/ordering kit (per item) 1
Angry/grumpy rant 1
Give away a short 1
Trying an impossible pass 1
Green card 2
Late - arriving after pushback 2
Yellow card 5
Red card 10

Hockey - Old Willies 1s

OW1 standard fines 2022/2023

Offence Amount
Missing training (Dice) 0
Dice 4 (Equipment b****) 0
Dice 2 (Pint) 0
Dice 1 0
Late payment of fines 0
Missing teas (Dice) 0
Dice 6 (Wipe fines) 0
International tax 1
Grandad tax 1
Missing show item (per item) 1
Incorrect kit (per item) 1
Late to fines 1
Late (per half hour) 1
Family at fines (per member) 2
Smelly b****** tax (also sit on your own) 2
Green card 2
More than 2 beers Friday 5
Yellow card (Public apology too) 5
Unavailable 5
Dice 5 5
Red card (Public apology too) 20

Hockey - Mongrels

Mongrels Fines for players Fund

Offence Amount
Score a Hat Trick -10
Not Staying for a beer on Home Games 2.5
Choosing a Girl over the Mongrels 2.5
Not passing to open player with better shot on goal 2.5
Green Card 2.5
Downhill Skiing (always running for attack but not helping defend) 2.5
forgotten kit (Shirt, Shorts, Socks, Stick ect) *Per Item* 2.5
Arguing with fines master over fine 2.5
Cone of Shame 2.5
Miss an open goal 5
Own Goal 5
Missing a Game without A good Excuse 5
Late to game 5
Squarial 5
Not Celebrating a Victory at the Pub with the boys (without reason) 5
2 < missed tomahawks *unless waved by fines master for pressure reasons* 5
Yellow Card 5
Blinker another mongrels vape 5
Goofy foot 5
Missing a Bus Trip 10
Not at training but at the pub 10
Suspension (per game) 15
Red Card 25

Hockey - KLHC Ladies 1's

Offence Amount
Scoring 0.5
Green Card 0.5
Missing Teas 0.5
Late to match/training 0.5
General d******* 0.5
Missing Training 1
Unavailable on a Saturday 1
Forgetting kit on a match day 1
Hat trick 1
Own Goal 1
Not paying your fines on a saturday 1
Yellow Card 1

Hockey - Falmouth M1 xi

Fines for on and off field behaviour. All proceeds go towards 2 annual social events. Umpiring a game will revoke individual’s fines from previous session.

Offence Amount
Backchatting umpire 1
Swearing 1
Lateness to training (by 10mins+ without notice) 1
Hitting a ball over 1
Captain’s fine (for any reason) 1
Losing a ball 2
Green card 2
Match fee paid late 2
Lateness to game meet time (by 10mins+) 2
Forgetting kit (per item) 2
Not available for game 3
Yellow card 5
Forgetting stick 10
Red card (club fine also applicable 20

Ice hockey - Sting 17/18

Late for training/ game

Offence Amount
Late 1
Missing equipment 10

Ice hockey - Peterborough Phantoms 2

Fine List

Offence Amount
1. General lateness without prior contact 3
2. Phone out in the room on game day 3
3. Incorrect or forgotten attire 3
4. General misconduct 3

Ice hockey - Sydney Ice Dogs

The Sydney Ice Dogs are looking to have a bounce back season with player and management all being held 'accountable'. The funds collected will be used to pay for our end of season function.

Offence Amount
General lateness without prior contact ($1 per minute) 1
Missing mandatory off-ice 2
Not joining planned social, with public video apology (with no reason) eg TGIF 5
Forgot a piece of equipment 5
Arguing with the coaching team (we're not always right, but we're never wrong!) 5
Phone out in the room on game day 5
Scoring an own goal 5
Forgot sneakers to off-ice or other off ice gear 5
Arguing with team-mates during the game or in training (Insulting Team or Player) 5
Abuse of Fines System and/or Enforcers 5
Not settling fines on time (weekly) 10
Spitting the dummy 10
Arguing with the ref (misconduct) 10
Missing mandatory training 25
Bringing the club into disrepute 50
General lateness without prior contact (above 30 mins) 50
Throwing Jersey on Ground 250

Korfball - Tockwith

Offence Amount
Student discount -2
Leeds lose 1
Man U win 1
Leaving s*** in changing room 2
No shower 2
Phone ring in changing room 2
No tocky gear 2
Scoring (void if 3+) 2
Not going bar/pub 2
Student 2
Boozing night before 2
New boots/bird/haircut or dirty boots/bird/haircut 2
Kit not clean 2
Borrowing tape 2
No floppy flops in shower 2
S*** corner/free kick 2
Nonsensical arguing 2
Shower p*** 2
Subbed 2
Megged 2
Outstanding fees/fines 2
C***/Class Saturday night plans 2
No training 2
Diving 3
Concede 3 5
Not available next week (students void) 5
Miss pen 5
Late to game 5
New car 5
Yellow card 5
Foul throw 5
Popping/losing ball 5
Missing social 10
Forget kit 10
Sin Bin 10
Red card 10

Netball - Kongorong A reserve 2021

Offence Amount
Stepping 0.5
Breaking 0.5
Held ball 1
Missing training 2
Blowing off drinks with the girls 2.5
Photo in budget/newspaper 2.5
Late to training 2.5
Injury 2.5
Lovey dovey social media post 2.5
Falling over during game 2.5
Not going to a club function 5
Given a warning during a game 5
Late to game 5
Public affection with SO 5
Forgot uniform (socks, shorts, dress) 5
Tinder date 5

Netball - Pitch Slap

Offence Amount
Stepping / Foot Fault 1
Late to game (On court AFTER timer starts) 1
Offsides 1
Pass ball to wrong team 1
Net Abuse 1
Throwing over a third 1
Held ball 1
Handling/ Replayed ball 1
Lose a toss up ball 1
Forget its your turn to pay 1
Pulling out of game 2 hours before the game 2
Not attending fines at end of season 3

Netball - UNDA netty gals

Offence Amount
EM ROLLY- unliterate 1
TAHLEA- last fin up 1
SHARNAE- no fin 1
SHARNAE- dropping fin 1
SHARNAE- backtalking 1
SHARNAE- being an old f*** 1
ELLA- not being able to spell 1
CAITLYN- late 1
STELLA- late 1
TAHLEAH- being late, s******* 1
TAHLEAH- buying skip the wrong shirt 1
EM ROLLY- headbutting the pole 1
EM ROLLY- adhd as f*** 1
EM ROLLY- being allergic to herself 1
EM ROLLY - ineducated 1
STELLA- being the youngest 1
CAITLYN- front seat stealer 1
SHARNAE- falconed 2
TESS- first night f*** 5

Netball - DOVES

Offence Amount
lob pass from centre third 2

Other - A Very Storky Stag

List of fines for the very Storky Stag

Offence Amount
Porky misbooking flight 1

Other - HCM Division

This is the fine schedule for September 2016

Offence Amount
emailing before 7am 1
emailing after 7 pm - per day not occurance 1
Texting after 7 pm 1
Texting before 7 am 1
Texting over a weekend 1
emailing over weekend 1

Other - Ecreo

Offence Amount
Ikke meldt afbud / sen ankomst senest kl. 9 1
Ikke faglig snak i #general (undtaget i tråde) 1
Glemt at vende brik 1
Glemt at låse døren ved fyraften 1

Other - BergenBK Elite Team

Offence Amount
Komme sent til trening 10

Other - Facebook Game Club

The Kangaroo Court takes place on the Saturday evening and is organised to punish all involved for errors or mistakes on or off the field. It dually acts as a means to drink as much piss as possible in a short amount of time. Each club or tour has its own variations of the rules of Kangaroo Court, however to ensure order as well as swift and harsh justice for the Facebook Game Club the following procedure is suggested (all those in favour say “Aye”): The Short Explanation: The accused will: choose his own representation; face “The Prosecutor”; be judged by his peers; and ultimately either walk away unpunished or pay the penalty invoked by “The Judges”.

Offence Amount
Disturbing the Court 2
Being a P**** 3
Inadequate Dress Code 5
Violent Conduct 7
D****** the boys 7

Other - Dodgers

Dodgers Fines

Offence Amount
Penalty back chat 5
not reacting to game in chat 5
hungover at game 5
Game missed - valid reason 10
subbed off 10
forget jersey 10
late to game 10
least tries 10
last to score first try 10
f****** up a try 10
ging for incercept/glory play and failing/conceding try 10
sin binned 15
Game missed - no reason 20
sent off 20

Other - Seneschalstown GAA

The idea of the fine system for the year is for the team to take greater responsibility for their actions during the season. We need a complete buy in from the team in order for it to work, that means once it starts you are responsible for your own actions and must agree to adhere to the system and the punishments!

Offence Amount
Outstanding Performance (Training or Match) -1
Forgetting gear at matches (Foam Roller, Boots, Shorts, Socks, Gloves on wet day) 1
Taking a jersey home, not putting jersey back in the gear bag or returning it inside out after a match 1
Not listening to managers instructions 1
Back chat to ref (yellow for dissent or ball brought forward) 1
Negativity in training or match 1
Phone in dressing room before match (Music excluded) 1
Late to training/Late to match 1.5
Not doing your extra bits - Gym, runs etc. 2
Missed Training - no valid excuse, weak excuse, less than 24 hrs notice to management 2
Red Card 2
Your jersey being found on the dressing room floor 2
Lotto not paid (going back to club development) 2
On the beer close to a match 3
Sheriff Corruption 3
Not bringing the correct amount of cash to court date 5
Emergency Fine (Management Request) 5

Other - Qld SOO 40’s 21


Offence Amount
Not communicating 5
Not drinking with left hand ( skull or pay) 5
Not being honest 5
Not training or posting it 5
Not warming up with team 5
Not paying fines within day 5
Not running off on subsets 5
Not listening 5
Not running holes 5
Late to training or game 10
Not yelling shut or stay out 10
Not listening on shut or stay out 10
Intercept 20
Not part of team bonding 50

Other - Tao united nations

Offence Amount
Missed flight 10

Other - Clarity

Who's rocking accuracy and accountability and our Clarity values?

Offence Amount
Spacing error 1
Typo 1
Style guide conventions 1
Missed audience focus 1
Didn't proofread 1
Time sheets not done 1
Notes after meeting 1

Other - Los Jugadores

Los Jugadores Fines

Offence Amount
Foul 0.2
Pickardo 0.5
Winning because opponent lost 1
Beating a woman/child 1
Loss 1
Early black ball 2

Other - Hunks in Trunks

Fines will be paid at Team socials. 0.1 refers to 1 sip of a drink, 0.3 refers to 1/2 drink, and 1.0 refers to 1 full drink consumed.

Offence Amount
Being late to a dept meeting without comms 0.1
Teaching without a first aid bag 0.2
Teaching without a walkie talkie 0.2
Teaching without LOs on a whiteboard 0.2
Having students unsupervised in changing rooms 0.2
Leaving changing rooms unlocked 0.2
Equipment not packed away after your lessons 0.2
Leaving your class unsupervised 0.2
Asking where the 6th form block is 1
Not attending a staff social 3

Other - CUAMMA Comp Squad

Hello CUAMMAs, this is your fine schedule in the run up to varsity...

Offence Amount
missing reps (per rep) 0.5
Late (5 mins) 1
Forgetting kit (per item- each glove counts as 1 item) 1
No water bottle 1
Dirty kit 3
Missing more than 1/5 sessions a week 5
Subverting drinking ban 5

Other - USA Touch Rugby

Drink something, do something pay something

Offence Amount
Running over the mark 0
Forward passes 1
Getting injured 1
Losing your cool on field 2
Being sent off 2
Ref asking you to remove or change something 5

Other - Charlie Squad

Offence Amount
Fail to sign in/off (doubles for each offence) 1
Unpaid fine (DICE ROLL!!!) 1
Square gating 2
Incorrect title for instructors 2
Incorrect marching calls 2
Bog tax 2
Wrong turn during marching 2
“That’s a fine” (to be added to list) 2
Uncompleted dommies (per area, per person) 3
Peanut of the week 5
Pub no show (+ 5 if in a row) 5
Unpolished boots 5
Wrinkled uniform 5
Sub-par grooming standards 5
Bog of the day 5
Late (0.50 added for each minute) 10
Instructor indicated fine 10

Rugby union - Pally Pigs Rugby Union Club

The Pally Pigs are true believers of piglets needing a firm hand in discipline. As part of this we have maintained our longstanding tradition of fines (both monetary and alcoholic). This is how we (and you) keep track of your fines and your games played this season. Stay on the right side of the Fine Master and you'll be ok. The wrong side will see you lighter in the pocket, cloudier in the head and booking an appointment and the inaugural Kangaroo Court at the end of season.

Offence Amount
Not wearing team uniform as requested 5
Incorrect game day uniform (jersey, shorts, socks) 5
Phone ringing during fines sessions or rousing speeches 5
Drinking beer in boots 5
Talking during fines sessions 5
Failure to respond to games by Friday 5
Not drinking out of team mug 5
Saturday night is Lotto Night! 10

Rugby union - Melbourne Unicorns

Fines for the Melbourne Rugby 2017 court session

Offence Amount
Dropped the ball 1
Turning up late to game 1
Wrong uniform on game day (socks, Jersey ) 1
Arguing with the ref 1
S*** pass 1
Yellow card 1

Rugby union - #caneseffect

The Canes are true believers in having a firm hand in discipline. As part of this we have introduced this season a fines tracking system. Not only will this improve our discipline to therefore performance on the pitch, but setting a platform for behavior off it. This is how we (and you) will keep track of your fines. A fines report will be generated and shared on a monthly basis, failure to settle these fines as advised will have repercussions. All fine money generated will be going into team social events and a planned end of season tour. Stay on the right side of the Fine Master' and you'll be ok, the wrong side will see you lighter in the pocket! WDYP4 #caneseffect

Offence Amount
Coaching juniors team Friday morning -50
Not joining planned social, with public video apology (with reason) 0
Not joining away game bus trip with valid excuse (public video apology must be given) 10
Late for game giving suitable notice 20
Yellow card 20
Not wearing correct stash before away game 20
Not wearing correct stash post game 20
Not wearing in season kit on game day 20
Late for away game trip bus 20
Making a fuss about being subbed off 20
P****** on the pitch 20
Not giving reason/notice for not joining away game trip bus 50
Late for game without giving suitable notice, and/or without a justified reason 50
Red card 50
Not joining planned social without giving notice/video apology 50
Not settling fines on time 50
Vomiting on the pitch 50
Knocking the ball on within either of the 5m line 50
Wearing football attire 50
Forgetting boots for a game 100
Not following description of fancy dress 100

Rugby union - Old Hales 1st Team

Red card

Offence Amount
Red card 10

Rugby union - Woodlands Rugby

Offence Amount
Philanthropy loser 10
Philanthropy winner 15
Serve our Seniors 20

Rugby union - Celtic

Fines for footy

Offence Amount
Wrong uniform 5
Forgetting uniform 5
Talking back to ref 5
Late 5
No show 5
Forgetting box 5
Not staying for speeches 5
S*** ya pants 5
Yellow Card 40
Red Card 80

Rugby union - Colchester Kings

Offence Amount
Lateness 1
Forget kit 1
Flirting with the enemy 1
Arguing with Captain 1
Drop Drink 1
Yellow card 2
Arguing with ref 2
Double Parked 2
Red Card 5
Caught S******* in public 5

Rugby union - East Dorset Dockers Ladies


Offence Amount
Carrying on training after getting hurt or upset -50
Coaching Diddy Dockers on Sunday Morning -50
Cleaning changing rooms after game -25
Helping set up for training or games -5
Not joining planned social with video apology in group chat 1
Forget Kit 1
Firting with the enemy 1
Arguing with Captain 1
Lateness 1
Drop Drink 1
Arguing with ref 2
Double parked 2
T** of the Pitch 5
Caught s**ting in public 5
No show 5
Not staying for speeches 5
Failure to respond on Spond - 1 reminder 10
Not joining planned social without reason 10
Vomiting on the pitch 15
Stealing Club owned kit 15
Failure to respond on Spond - 2 reminder 20
knocking ball on within either of the 5m line 20
Late for game 20
Making a fuss about being subbed off 20
Yellow Card 30
Phone ringing during court or rousing speeches 40
Not following fancy dress 40
Tackled on try line 50
Red Card 50
Failure to respond on Spond - 3 reminder 100
Missing a try by dropping the ball or just being an a*** 100
Missing Court 100
Knocking out the coach with a ball 200
S**t Stirring between team mates 1000

Rugby union - Narrabri Blue Boars 2024

Offence Amount
Mark field lines -150
Run a touch line for 1 game -100
Run a touch line for 1 game -100
Being the designated driver to away games (must have minimum 2 passengers who play) -100
Vacuum clubhouse -50
Take jersey home 30
Vomit on field 30
Blow up about being substituted 30
Forget boots 30
Upset Notty 30
Backchat penalty 40
Drop ball over tryline 40
Park between fields at training 40
No training shirt on Thursdays 50
Not stay for speeches 50
Talking during speeches 50
Refuse boat race 50
Walk past rubbish 50
Not in player tunnel 50
Wrong shirt to games 50
No show at monthly club dinner 50
Car still in carpark after 5pm Sunday 50
Late to training without decent reason 50
No show at training without communication 50
Wrong shorts or socks 50
Not leave sheds clean (entire team) 50
Not take field pads to sheds (entire team) 50
Yellow card 50
Speeding/excessive engine noise in or out of grounds 50
Not leave player bench clean (entire team) 50
Miss set/pack/cleanup 100
Red card 100
Late to game without decent reason 100
No show at game without communication 150
Smoke/vape during training or games 200


Vikings 24-25

Offence Amount
Forget kit 1
Late 1
Flirting with enemy 2
Arguing with captain 2
Bitchy comment 2
Rookies slacking on jobs 2
Stealing from bunker 5
Missing social 5
Knocking the ball on from kickoff 5
Not returning gear 5
Featured on Instagram 5
Injured at practice 5
Puking on pitch 10
Blowing up the bathroom at the joint social 15
Sclera injury 15
Teamcest 15
Starting drama on team 20
F****** up the camera 20

Rugby union - Gunnedah She Devils

Offence Amount
Being the car pool driver to away games (min 2 passengers) -5
Coming to setup/ pack up -3
Coming to friday night games -3
Sweeping out the training rooms -1
Participating in boat race -1
Take jersey home 1
Not dressing up for theme nights 1
Not being ready for warm cup call 1
Not wearing pink to Thursday training 1
Missed training with no explanation 1
Late to training with no explanation 1
Sitting out of training 1
Not staying for speeches 1
Smoking at training 1
Vomiting on the field 3
Hospital trip 3
Arguing with coach or captain 3
Yellow card 3
Car still in car park after 5pm on Sunday 5
Forgeting any gear to game day 5
Late to bus trip for away games 5
Needing an Ambulance 10
Fighting on/off field 10
Red card 10
Getting injured playing a different code 10

Soccer - Waterside Karori Boomers

Boomers Fines 2015

Offence Amount
For being a loser 1

Soccer - AYSC U14 Boys

List of fines for the AYSC U14B Indoor/Outdoor Season

Offence Amount
Arrived Late to Practice/Game 1
Talking During Pre-Match and Half-Time Team Talks 1
No Availability Updates in TeamSnap 1
Absent at Game/Practice w/o valid comment 2
First Red Card Fine 2
No Alternate Kit For Game 2
Player Discipline Fee 3
Not Wearing Proper Team Gear (Practice/Game/Socials) 3
Absent at Team Socials w/o valid comment 4
Second Red Card Fine 5
Violent Conduct 10
Referee/Team Official Verbal Abuse 15

Soccer - CMC Vicrtory Glory Roar Fury FC

These are all the fines you can get done for

Offence Amount
On field minor 1
Forgotten kit 1
On field major 2

Soccer - Halswell United 1st Class

In order to promote team culture and personal assessments the Ministry of Discipline Dept (M.O.D.D) has adopted the following actions and misdemeanors to 'fineable'. RESPECT.

Offence Amount
Scoring a goal -2
Great save -2
Missing training with notification 1
Foul Throw 1
Easy Miss 1
Being off-side 1
Late 1
Forgetting... 1
Game Malfunction 1
Not attending team functions 1
Because... 1
Own Goal 2
Missing training with no notification 2
Draw 2
Inner Team Confrontation 2
Loss 5

Soccer - Brockworth AFC 2nds

Fines list for bafc seconds.

Offence Amount
Turning up to game hungover 1
Gimp of the game to be chosen by players 1
Not paying subs on game day 1
Arguing with ref during game 2
Anyone booked (yellow card) 5
Anyone sent off 10
Not training 20
Match day (late) 20
Not showering after game 20
Forgetting kit( shin pads, boots) 20
Whole team to pay if we lose by two goals or more 50

Soccer - Bristol & West LFC

Fines for members of Bristol & West LFC season '17-'18

Offence Amount
Late for training 0.5
Not responding to doodle poll 0.5
Not helping with the nets 0.5
Dirty boots 0.5
Late on a match day 1
Not wearing team tracksuit to matches 1

Soccer - Strokers 2019

Strokers 2019 Fines

Offence Amount
Red card 20

Soccer - Berwick Churches Soccer Club

This is the list of fines for the Berwick Churches Soccer Club (Premier League and Reserves) for 2019. If you believe an offence should carry a fine, please let Daniel Prins know. Fines can be disputed and sent to the Leadership Group for review, but if the fine is upheld, the amount of the fine will be doubled.

Offence Amount
Yellow card 1
Missing a sitter 1
Nutmegged at training 1
Keepers falling over 1
Missing training with c*** excuse 1
Being late for training 1
Foul throw 1
Nutmegs in game 1
Wrong uniform to games 1
Swearing 1
Red card 2
Own goal 2
Post a stupid photo on social media 2
Missing games with c*** excuse 2
Being late for a game 2
Fake injuries 2
More than one Facebook or Instagram account 2

Soccer - Old Melburnians SC

2024 Fine System

Offence Amount
Yellow Card 5
Late (10 - 19 mins) 5
Foul Throw 5
Really Easy Miss 5
Argument with Team Mate 10
Late (20 - 29 mins) 10
No Show / Late for Home Pitch Setup 10
Incorrect Gear / Colour 10
Taking Team Kit Home 10
Conduct Against Team Spirit 10
Penalty Miss 10
Own Goal 10
Conduct Against Team Spirit 10
Penalty Miss 10
General Fine Nomination 10
Unsportsmanlike Conduct 10
Late (30 mins +) 15
Match Withdrawal (Day Before) 20
Red Card 20
Team Withdrawal (On Match Day) 30
No Show on Match Day 35

Soccer - Ball green bulldogs

Fine list 19/20

Offence Amount
Late 1
Conceded 1
P***** 3

Soccer - Beragh Swifts Fc

Offence Amount
Missing club gear 1
Nutmeg in game 1
Foul throw 1
Yellow cards 2
Forgotten kit 2
Late to match day < 10 mins 2
Not texting gaffer if you can't train 2
Beat by more than 2.5 goals 2
Missing both training sessions 3
Yellow cards for non takles 3
Late to match day > 10 mins 3
Red Card 5
Missed pen 5
Own Goal 5
Givin away a pen 5
Red cards non tackles 10
Drinking the night before game 20

Soccer - Bonnyrigg White Eagles

Offence Amount
Name mentioned in FNSW Report (pre or post game) 5
No thongs/slides in shower 5
Ball Kicked Out of Stadium 5
Wrong Training Kit (LEGEA Only) - Per Item 5
Accumulate no fines in the week 5
The ‘Sniper’ Fine 5
No attendance to captain’s compulsory function 10
The ‘Bradie Smith’ fine (Dummy Spir) 10
No welfare update by 10am after session 10
Yellow Card 10
Late for Physio with no notice 10
Late for Activation/Strength 10
Phone Ringing in Training Change Room 15
The ‘Zonjic’ Fine (Late to Training) 15
The ‘Kuipers’ Fine (Leave training before finished) 15
Wrong match day attire - Per Item 20
Phone Ringing in Match Day Dressing Room 30
Late for Match Day 40
No attendance to club’s compulsory function 50
No attendance in club after home game 50
Cleaning boots in sink or shower 50
5 Yellow Card Suspension 50
Red Card 100

Soccer - Adelaide Wanderers

Offence Amount
Own goal 1
Any other offence deemed fine worthy by the playing group 1
Diving 1
Giving away a penalty 1
Penalty miss 1
Showering without soap 1
On the receiving end of a nutmeg 1
Foul throw 1
Yellow Card 1
Missing 1 on 1 with goalkeeper 1
Smoking during the game/warmup 1
Attending to the game hungover 1
Forgetting form of kit (shin pads etc.) 5
Late to training without a valid reason/notifying coaching staff. 5
Taking kit home 5
Abuse/arguing/swearing to referee, team mates or opposition 5
Failure to attend club functions without a valid reason 5
Failure to help set up/pack up for home match days 5
Late to a game 5
Red Card (Plus you pay the league fee) 5
Arguing about fines 5
Failure to run the line on your allocated game or organise a replacement 5
Failure to attend to Wednesday one night training session without a valid reason/notifying coaching staff. 5
Failure to notify coaching staff of availability/unavailability. 5

Soccer - Quanzhou Spartacus

Spartacus Spring 2021

Offence Amount
Conceed goals (pr. goal) 5
Nutmeg 5
Not going for drink 10
D*** of the day 10
Post/Bar 10
Sitter 10
Forget Stuff (pr. Item) 10
Late 15
Pass leading to goal 20
Conceed penalty 20
Wrong throw-in 20
Out of cage 20
Wrong Kit (same color socks is accepted) 25
Card for dissent + 25
Miss penalty 30
No show 40
Yellow Card 55
Red Card 110

Soccer - Strathfield FC U21

Offence Amount
MOTM -10
Goal 0
Yellow card 2.5
Megged at training 2.5
Being a loser 2.5
Hitting a vape during training / warm up 2.5
Megged in game 5
5-15 min late to training/game 5
Post a stupid photo on social media 5
Red card 5
Being a dog 5
Forgetting any part of uniform (kit, shin pads, boots, etc) 5
Lose a s*** ball 5
Being a f****** 5
Giving away a penalty 7.5
Rocking up drunk/hungover/fried 10
>15 min late to training/game 10
Lose a good ball 10
Arriving to game once it's started 15
Miss training for a dogshit reason (e.g rain, tired, forgot) 15
Forget/miss game completely 25

Soccer - Bay 1 Legends

Offence Amount
Chris plays for us 1
Dumb s*** at fine master discretion 2
Inside out kit after match 2
Missing training, lame excuse 2
Yellow card 2
Phone goes off in changing room 2
Forgetting kit 2
Missing a sitter or one on one 2
Getting hit in the balls 2
Late to game 2
No response on Teamer 2
Game no show after accepting 5
Hungover at game 5
Missing a pen 5
Conceding a pen or own goal 5
D*** of the day 5
Red card 10

Soccer - North Sydney United

NSU 2021 Fines List

Offence Amount
Missing gear 2
Nutmegs 2
Leaving gear behind 2
Late for training 2
Missing training (work) 2
Spitting the dummy 5
Bringing the club into disrepute 5
Phone use in changing room 5
P****** in the shower 5
Being s*** 5
Late for game 5
Missing training 5
Showboating 5
Dumb c*** fine 5
Not bringing a cake on your birthday 10
Not attending an organised social event 10
S*******/farting in the change room 10
Giving away a pen 10
Yellow card (for dissent) 10
Missing a penalty 20
Missing a game 20
Red card 50

Soccer - Timsbury FC

Forgetting Kit

Offence Amount
Boots or Shinpads 1

Soccer - Coed Darcy FC

Club Fines

Offence Amount
Air-kick 0.25
Claiming a goal that was in fact a cross 0.25
Foul Throw-in 0.25
Being sick on/off the field of play (during the game). 0.5
Being late for training (unless you notify a coach) 0.5
Asking to borrow someone else's boots or shin pads. 0.5
Putting any part of your kit on incorrectly, (i.e. inside out or back to front). 0.5
Not wearing official club polo shirt before/after game (unless not issued yet) 0.5
Taking home kit - fine per garment ("oh thief!") 0.5
Receiving a Yellow Card ("take that one on the chin!") 0.5
Conceding a penalty, ("you t***, they don't need help!") 0.5
Getting Megs'd, ("your legs were spread wider than your missus") 0.5
Hitting the woodwork ("it's not cross bar challenge!") 0.5
Not showing for training (without changing your availability on the app or informing a coach). 1
Not staying for a post match beer/drink (Home Game) regardless of reason. 1
Not staying for a post match beer/drink (Away Game) regardless of reason. 1
Being late for a match (unless you notify a coach) 1
Scoring an Own Goal ("we're playing in the other direction!") 1
Arguing with the coaching team (we're not always right, but we're never wrong!) 2
Arguing with team-mates during the game or in training 2
Pulling out of a game after squad announcement (regardless of reason) 2
Receiving a Red Card ("oh f***, now the rest have to work harder!") 2
Any form of misbehaving with another players' missus. (You're not John Terry on or off the field!) 5
Arguing against any fine imposed by the committee. 5

Soccer - Bluepool FC

Late to Game/Training

Offence Amount
Motm -5
Clean Sheet -5
Donate Fine to charity (proved) 0
Messing about 1
Change of Availability 1
Late to Training 1
Complaining about Management Decisions (Training types, Formation and etc) 2
Insulting Team or Player 2
No reply text to availability 2
No Show to Training 2
Moaning 2
Stropping 2
Hungover 2
Arguing 3
Late to Game 3
Late Monthy Payment 4 Weeks 5
Late Monthy Payment 3 Weeks 5
Late Monthy Payment 2 Weeks 5
Late Monthy Payment 1 Week 5
No Show to Game 5
Abuse to another player 5

Soccer - NYU Senior Mens

General Fines

Offence Amount
Kangaroo Court Disgressionary Fine 0
Nutmegged 0.5
One on one miss 1
Late Training 2
Kit not in bags (per item) 2
Forgetting Equipment per item (Boots, Pads, etc) 2
Late Game 4
Dissent Yellow 4
No Shower 4
No polo on gameday 4
No training shirt Thursday 4
Red (non dissent) 10
Dissent Red 15

Soccer - Alkimos Masters 2022

End Of season Slush Fund

Offence Amount
Forgetting form of kit (shin pads etc.) 2
Talking During Pre-Match and Half-Time Team Talks 2
Failure to notify coaching staff of availability/unavailability via spond App ( just Click a button) 2
Arguing about fines 2
Not wearing official club polo shirt before/after game 2
Being late for training 2
Taking home kit ("oh thief!") 2
Arguing with the coaching team (we're not always right, but we're never wrong!) 2
Not staying for a post match beer/drink (Home Game) regardless of reason. 2
Not staying for a post match beer/drink (Away Game) regardless of reason. 2
Being late for a match 2
Attending to the game hungover 2
Spitting the dummy 2
Abuse/arguing/swearing to referee, team mates 2
Missing a Pen. ( missing the goal completely) 5
C*** of the day 5
Failure to attend club/team functions without a valid reason 5
Receiving a Yellow Card ("take that one on the chin!") 5
Giving away a penalty, ("you t***, they don't need help!") 5
Not showing for training (without changing your availability on the app or informing a coach). 5
Being sick on/off the field of play (during the game). 5
Foul Throw-in 5
Being Mention by the club in their socials 5
Own Goal 10
Not showing for Match or changing availability after 6pm Friday. 10
Receiving a Red Card ("oh f***, now the rest have to work harder!") 20
Any form of misbehaving with another players' missus. (You're not John Terry on or off the field!) 50

Soccer - Deakin Dragons - Futsal


Offence Amount
Just because...(team consensus) 2
Arguing about fine 2
Yellow card 2
Ankles broken/ bodied to ground 2
Spitting the dummy 2
P*** weak injury 2
Give pen away 3
Miss pen 3
Nutmeg 3
Pull a >5/10 5
Throw up. 5
Non attendance to team night out 5
Social media feature 5
Caught on phone during game 5
Late for game/ meetup 5
Forget kit/ boots(per item) 5
Red card 10
Fight 10
Unable to play (BAC/Bretho) 10
Own goal 10

Soccer - TBTK U15

Fine List TBTK U15

Offence Amount
Late for match day 1
Late for Training 50

Soccer - Mfl Keflavík

Offence Amount
Forget to complete Readiness before practice 250
Equipment not ready 5 mins before start (youngest 5 on practice ) 250
Late fee ( fine due 5th each month) 250
Arguing a fine 250
Klobbi/bonus/ Last one in rondo 250
Skip shower on mainfield 300
Forgetting personal item on pitch or to games 500
Skip hot and cold after game day 500
Phone ringing on team meetings 500
Foul throw 500
Everybody pays -per month 1000
Late for any team activity ( practice,game,fund raising) 1000
Silly yellow 1000
Missing any team activity 1500
Silly red card 1500
Bail on team party 1500
Forget to bring cake on your birthday 2000
Having tabacco in locker room or on practice/game 2000
Drinking alcohol during season without permission 3000

Soccer - Strikers AAL Div 1


Offence Amount
Giving away a corner 2
Missing an easy save (discretion of coach/manager) 2
Missing an easy goal (discretion of coach/manager) 2
Get nutmegged in the game 2
Offside 2
Not responding to training or game poll before the event 5
Forgotten gear (shinpads, boots, kit etc.) 5
If the ref has to tell you to take your jewellery out 5
Being hungover on game day 5
More than 15 mins late on game day with no good reason 5
Asking the ref how long until end of half or game 5
If we lose by 3 or more goals (paid by everyone) 5
If we lose a game in the last 10 mins of play (paid by everyone) 5
Giving a penalty away (and they don't score) 5
Kicking/throwing the ball out on the full (GK) 5
Foul throw 5
Handball free kick 5
High foot free kick 5
Giving a penalty away (and they score) 10
Scoring an own goal 10
Yellow card 15
Red card 50

Soccer - EEW PL

Game Day Fines

Offence Amount
Late 2
Wrong Shorts 2
No Polo 2
Wrong Jacket 2
Yellow Card 5
Red Card 10

Soccer - Southern spirit 2023 Reserves

Southern spirit 23

Offence Amount
Nutmeg - training 2.5
Game fee 2.5
Messing around during warm up 2.5
Missing a 5 yard pass 2.5
Not staying back Thursday 2.5
Nutmeg 5
Ball ending up on Rockingham road 5
Don’t wear club gear to the game 5
Forgetting something in change room after a game 5
Foul throw 5
Hungover for a game 5
Forgetting socks/shin pads 5
Abusing teammates 5
Jewellery left in 5
Keeper missing an easy save 5
Interrupting coach - Training 5
Late for training 5
Giving away a penalty 10
No show - Training 10
Rocking up late 10
Missing a sitter 10
Yellow card 10
Own goal 15
Going to the wrong pitch 25
Walking off the pitch 50
Red card 50

Soccer - Test FC

Test Description

Offence Amount
No Shower 2
Missed Sitter 2

Soccer - Tooting Bec

23/24 season fines

Offence Amount
Phone in changing room 1
Anything new 1
Megs 1
No drink in the bar post game 1
Conceding a pen 1
No Veo footage 1
Borrowing anything 1
Losing a game 1
Late for training 1
Called out by management - availability 2
not completing assigned job 2
leaving before 5.45 2
Late for meet time < 15 minutes 2
Foul throw 2
Back-chat to management 2
Gloves/Snood 2
Not training but in matchday squad 3
no stash on matchday 3
OG 3
Not attending social 5
Late for meet time > 15 minutes 5
Holiday mid-season 5
Debut 5
Booked for dissent/Sin bin 5

Soccer - The Oxford FC

Oxford Fines list 2023/24 season

Offence Amount
Late 1
Late + 10 Minutes 1
Hungover 1
Conceding a Pen 1
Missing a Pen 1
No Oxford gear 1
Nutmegged 1
No Pub 1
D*** of the Day 1
Forgot Speaker 1
Sin Bin 2
Yellow Card 2
Captains Fine 2
No Show 5
Red Card 5
No night out 5

Soccer - Swan Lounge FC 🦢

Gaffer coming out of retirement

Offence Amount
Gaffer coming out of retirement 10

Soccer - Sands United FC Thanet

Fines List

Offence Amount
Dirty boots 2
No response on Heja within 24 hours of an event 2
Nutmegged 2
Failing to take part training drill / warm-up 2
Late to event (training/match) 2
Not wearing correct kit 5
Giving away a penalty 5
Hitting the woodwork 5
New boots 5
Late payment of subs (After event starts) 5
Nutmegged by opponent 5
Talking over Gaffer/Coach 5
Dropping out on the day 10
No response on Heja at all 10
Yellow card 10
Losing a ball 10
Disrespecting match official/opponent 10
Apologising 10
Red Card 15
Not showing up without notice despite saying going on Heja 20

Soccer - Pontprennau Pumas

Fine List with Payable Ammounts

Offence Amount
10 Late to Training 1
Missing Training 2
15 Mins Late on Match Day 2
Going Home Between Ground & Pub 2
Not Responding Availability 2
Not Attending Pub After Home Game 3
Missing Match Day 5
Missing Kit 5
Missing Planned Team Social 10

Soccer - Westexe Park Rangers

Fine List for Westexe 1st Team

Offence Amount
NO Cash On Match Days 1
MANAGERS: £1 Per Sub NOT Used 1
EVERYONE: Socks Inside Out 1
Missing A Training Session 2
MANAGERS: Conceding +1.5 Goals 2
Receiving A Yellow Card 2
Conceding A Penalty 2
Missing A Penalty 2
NOT Helping with Goals 2
NOT Cleaning Changing Rooms (within 3 games) 2
Late For Meet 2
NOT Coming Back To The Pub 3
Disrespecting Management 3
Scoring An Own Goal 3
NO 1/4 Zip or Polo Shirt 3
Receiving A Red Card 4
Drinking Night Before Game Day 5
Player Missing A Game 5
Management Missing A Game 10

Soccer - New Lambton Eagles

Eagles 2024

Offence Amount
Kicking Ball over Fence/Net 2
Nutmeg 2
Coaches Spelling mistake 2
Yellow Card 5
Dummy Spit 5
Foul Throw 5
Wearing Clothes in Shower 5
Not Showering After Game 5
Forgetting Uniform/Equipment 5
Incorrect Uniform at Training 5
Media Fine 5
Any phone notification/call during team meeting/talk 5
Calling something a fine which isn't a fine 5
Suspension 10
Missing Sitter on Game Day 10
Incorrect Uniform on Matchday 10
Late to Training 10
Giving Away Penalty 15
Goalkeeping Howler 15
Not Attending Social Events without Approval 15
Not Attending Pub after Home Game without Approval 15
Own Goal 20
Missing Training without Approval 20
Late on Game Day 20
Red card 25
Missing Game without Approval 40

Soccer - U17 PEIFC

U17 FC Fines

Offence Amount
Wearing ankle socks to training 2
Straight Red Card 5

Soccer - Birzebbuga Futsal

Birzebbuga Futsal Code of Ethics

Offence Amount
Not bringing equipment (socks/training kit) for game 2
Not in dressing room at least 30mins before warming up 2
Arriving late for training 2
Absence from training (if unadvised minimum of 1.5 hours before) 3
Unavailable for games (To be discussed with committee if issue persists) 5
Disrespecting each other/coaching/staff 10

Soccer - Canberra Olympic Mens NPL 2024

Canberra Olympic Fines 2024

Offence Amount
Nutmeg 5
Leaving any personal gear on pitch (drink bottle, Jumper - Per item) 5
Wrong training kit (per item) 5
Late to training 5
Nutmeg - Game Day 10
Forgetting any game day items (boots, shin pads socks, ect)- Per Item 10
Not attending training (if available for game day) 10
Foul throw 15
Any use of mobile phone in change room - or not put on silent 15
Wrong kit to game and warm up 15
Coaches Call 20
Bad attitude (towards teammates and staff) 20
Own goal 25
Missed penalty 25
4 yellow cards 25
Sin bin 25
Not attending team nights/dinners 25
Late to game 30
7 yellow cards 50
Late to game without notice 50
Red card 75

Soccer - Marayong All Age Div 5

Fine System for End of Season Trip

Offence Amount
Not taking out jewellery 2
Get nutmegged in the game 2
Offside 2
Missed an easy goal (team vote) 5
Argues with referee 5
Forgotten Gear (Shinpads, Boots, Kit, etc) 5
Late without reason 5
Not responding to training or game poll 5
Lose in last 10 mins of game (eveyone pays) 5
Missed an easy save (team vote) 5
Gave away a corner 5
Foul throw 5
Not celebrating with the team 5
Lucas says the game is a “Must Win” in pre game talk 5
Scoring an own goal 10
Not ready for pre game warm up (45 mins before kick off) 10
Gave away a penalty in the box 10
Team concedes 5+ goals (everyone pays) 10
Yellow Card 15
No Show to a game 25
Start a fight 25
Red Card 25

Soccer - Olympic WNPL 2024

Offence Amount
Loosing a Ball 1
Sal Candid 2
Missing a Sitter 2
Persistent Offsides 2
Handball 2
Air Swing 2
Nutmeg at Training 2
Leaving Gear Behind 2
Incorrect Game Day Uniform 2
Incorrect Training Uniform 2
Refusing a Sal Candid 2
Posting in Wrong Chat 5
Conceding a Penalty 5
Late to Training 5
Sal Candid w Opposition 5
Missing a Penalty 5
Yellow Card 5
Sniper 5
Ducking a Header 5
Foul Throw 5
Not Updating Heja 5
Coaches Call 5
Nutmeg in Game 5
Phone in Change Room 10
Missing Team Event 10
Missing Training 10
Late to Game 10
Failed Immunity Challenge 10
Hungover 20
Red Card 20

Soccer - Elwood City FC

2024 Season

Offence Amount
Losing a Game (Matchday Squad) 1
Missing a Sitter 2
Training or Playing with Seniors 2
No Shower 2
Not Staying for a Drink Post Game 2
Pulling a Darren Anderton 2
Not Helping Setup / Pack up at Matchday or Training 2
Got Megged Matchday or Training 2
Dirty Boots 2
Dodgy Tune on Playlist 2
Phone Use In Changing Rooms During Team Talk 2
Missed Training Without Reason 2
Late to Match 2
South American Tax (Hats or Gloves worn during training or matchday) 2
Misc Fine 2
Missing Kit 5
Losing a Game (Matchday Managing Staff) 5
Late Payment (Per Week) 5
Shot Out for a Throwing 5
Foul Throw 5
Yellow Card (x2 Arguing with Ref) 5
Late to Match > 15 mins 5
D*** of the Day (Vote Post Game) 10
Changing Rooms Left Uncleaned (Team Fine) 10
Missed a Match < 24 Hours Notice 10
Own Goal 10
Missing a penalty / Giving away penalty 10
Night Out Before a Game 20
Red Card 20
Romantic Weekend Away 20
Missing Night Out / Team Event 25

Soccer - Blunsdon FC

Offence Amount
Bets 0
Shirt right way around in the kitbag 1
No club gear on matchday 2
Dirty boots 2
Concede a penalty 2
No shower 2
No sliders in the shower 2
Late to game meet 3
No beer after the game 5
No item 5
Foul throw 5
Dissent booking 10
Matchday drop-out 10

Soccer - Loco Div 2

Fines for 2024 season

Offence Amount
Player of the day - fine wiped. If you don’t take photo with the MOTM ball and post in group chat before 7pm Friday then double fine from Saturday game. 1
Gimp - double fine 1
If thumbs up/down hasn’t been done by 8pm Thursday 2
Not wearing women’s underwear for cup games 5
Not wearing fancy dress on fancy dress day 6
Not bringing a cake on your birthday 10

Soccer - Como Jannali FC AL10

Offence Amount
Foul throw 5
Late for training without messaging chat 5
Forget any other kit item (shinnies etc) 5
Leave kit behind after training or game 5
Late for match warmup 5
Airswing 5
Peer voted infraction occurring in match 5
Yellow Card 10
Missed penalty 10
Give away penalty 10
Own goal 10
Miss training without messaging chat 10
Arriving for match after kickoff 10
Red Card 20
Forget boots on match day 20
No show on match day 20

Soccer - Hinton FC

Offence Amount
Late 0.5
Gambler 1
On phone in changing room 2
No shower 2
Giving away a penalty 2
Missing a penalty 2
Own goal 3
No pub 5
Subs 7.5
Missing socials 10
Yellow card 15
Red card 40

Soccer - GI Women's Prems

2024 Team fines

Offence Amount
Win = Goal Differential (coach dice roll per GD) 1
Draw from behind position (coach dice roll) 1
Draw from leading position 1
Loss = Goal differential (per goal) 1
Late to training (no reason) 2
Late to game (no reason) 2
Missing team event (no reason) 2
Forgotten item (per item) 2
Flamingo offence 2
Yellow card (Dissent/silly) 2
Drinking night before game 5
Red Card 5

Soccer - Horndean Football Club

Offence Amount

Soccer - Keadue Rovers

Offence Amount
Shocking piece of play (Brutal miss, tackle, defending, missed pen ect.) 0
Dirty changing room left behind at training or matchdays 2
Late for game 5
Late for training 5
Not wearing club top on match day 5
Not wearing proper warmup top 5
Missing training without valid reason 5
Pulling out of training within 3 hours 5
Leaving gear behind at Training,Matchdays 5
Yellow Card for dissent 5
Missing game without valid reason 10
Forgetting gear on matchday (boots, shinnies etc) 10
Red Card 10
Leaving your water bottles/rubbish behind at Training or in changing room on matchdays 10
Manager/Coach late for training or matchday 20

Soccer - Uphill Castle 1st team

UCFC 1st fines

Offence Amount
Late to game but informed management 0.5
Late to training 0.5
not at training without valid reason 1
Forgetting equipment 1
Phone out in changing rooms before game 1
Phone out in changing rooms after game before management have spoken 1
Not informing group chat if not being at training 1
Fines owed reaching £10 1
Caught lying about reason for missing training 1
Mason not bringing speaker 1
Not staying until MOTM awarded 1
Deano not having warm up ready 1
Leaving changing rooms before captain says so 1
Incorrect match day attire 1
Late to game without informing management 2
More than 10 minutes late (unless informed management) 2
Not available without specified reason 2
Missing a social 2
Sin binned 5
Missing a fundraiser 5

Soccer - Darwen FC Ladies

Offence Amount
Late for training (7pm onwards) 1
If the team don’t score (each player pays) 1
Phone ringing / being on the phone when management addressing team 2
Booking / sin bin 2
Clean sheet 3
Hat-trick 3
Late for a game (12.45pm onwards) 3
Being in the changing room when players getting changed before or after a game 3
Not responding on Spond (latest by 7pm on Sunday for training and also for the next game) 3
Red card 5

Soccer - Ash United Vets

Ash United Vets All fines

Offence Amount
Own goal 1
Giving away penalty 1
Missing a penalty 1
Foul throw 1
Moaning to gaffer 1
Not socialising 1
No flip flops in the shower 1
Not showering 1
No shin pads 1
No shin pads 1
Dirty boots 1
Cleaning boots in the shower 1
No match day polo 1
Dissent booking 2
Late 2

Soccer - Delfino Melbourne

Offence Amount
Missing an open goal 1
Complaining about fines 1
Getting nutmegged / ankle broken 2
Forgetting your Delfino jersey to a game 2
Pulling out of a match last minute with no notice 2
Arriving after kick-offon matchday with no notice 2
Green Card 2
Yellow Card 2
Forgetting drinkbottle 2
Shot attempt goes over the fence 2
Sunscreen not rubbed in (excl. zinc) 3
Wearing more than one piece of compression clothing 3
Not attending team night out 3
Letting a hangover affect your performance 3
Missing a penalty 3
Red Card 3
Blaming teammate for goal 3
Not washing your jersey / your jersey stinks 4
Showing off to the WAGs and getting injured 5
Vaping / Darts on matchday 5
illegal parking 5
Dodging payment 5
Clearing or changing your name in the group chat 5
Unsending a message in the group chat 5
Giving away a penalty 5
Wearing a headband when you don't need one 10
Own goal 10
Rocking up to a game with a s*** haircut 15
S******* a teammates' misso on a night out 200

Soccer - Forrestfield United Amateurs

Amateur Fines List

Offence Amount
POTM (no fine for the week) 0
Goals Conceded (per goal/per player) 1
Absent from Training 1
Inside-Out Kit in Kit Bag 1
Dirty Boots/Gear 1
Wearing Ankle Socks 1
Hangover ($5 if you have a howler) 1
Wearing/Using another clubs gear 1
Lost Balls (per player) 1
Windy 1
Foul Throw 1
Gear left behind (per item) 1
Forgot Gear (per item) 1
Late (per minute) 1
Miss for 6 yards 2
Loss (per player) 2
No Polo (to and from) 2
Spewing 2
Throwing a Tantrum 2
Phone in Changeroom (x2 if wife/gf) 2
Fighting 2
Subbed before HT/Double Subbed 2
Throw-in from a Shot 2
Spill Drink/Double Parked 2
Missed Game 5
Yellow Card 5
Missing a Social 5
Holiday Mid-Season 5
One-on-One Miss 5
Monthly Tax (no exceptions) 5
Mistake leading to Goal 5
Penalty Miss 5
Penalty Conceded/Own Goal 5
S*******/Farting in the Changeroom Toilets 5
Donkey of the Week (voted) 5
Red Card 10
Dissent Booking 10

Soccer - Pittwater RSL FC

2025 Pittwater Fines list.

Offence Amount
Late to game (without prior warning to coaching staff) More than 10min (50c Per minute) 0.5
Late to training (without prior warning to coaching staff) More than 10min (50c Per minute) 0.5
Forgetting items (Boots, Shin pads, playing kit) (per item each boot is $1) 1
Wearing wrong training kit 1
Foul Throw 2
Doubled up with someone on Item of the week 2
Wearing wrong match day kit 2
Late to training (without prior warning to coaching staff) Less than 10min 3
Lost Balls after training or game 5
Forgetting to bring "D*** of the week" outift to training to pass on - Failure to do so will result in wearing again 5
Yellow card for dissent 5
Didn’t bring Item of the week 5
Late to game (without prior warning to coaching staff) Less than 10min 5
Red Card - all offensives (unless agreed by committee) 10
Not show for you Rock off to wash bibs 10
Not wearing "D*** of the week" outfit to match day 15
No show to team night (Unless acceptable reason) 15
No Show to training (No notice or message) 15
Not washing bibs on your allocated week 20
No show to game (No notice or message) 50

Soccer - Mooza B Titans

Offence Amount
Arrive less than 10 minutes before kick off (50c per minute) 0.5
Sniper 1
Nutmeg 1
“Hungry hippo” — blasting a shot into row Z 1
Foul throw 1
Yellow card 2
Late payment interest (per week) 2
Arguing with fine master 2
Own goal 2
Forgotten item (cost per item) 2
“Majority rules” — miscellaneous fine agreed by the team 2
“D****** the boys” — playing for another team 5
Missed penalty 5
Red card 10
“The Rocco” — not turning up after pressing ‘in’ 10
Missing team event 15
VCFA disciplinary action 15
Going to training 20
Taking a romantic weekend away over the footy 20

Soccer - CCFC2025

Offence Amount
offside 0.5

Soccer - Unkown FC

2023 Fines

Offence Amount
meggsed 5
Foul Throw 5
Wrong Kit to Training 5
Late to Game - No Notice 5
Hangover on Game Day 5
don't set up, don't pack down, don't expect to keep your cash 5
"Training" for the "Phone" olympics 5
Gday Fit Fail 5
Descent 10
Missing Penalty 10
Own Goal 10
Season Holiday (per missed game) 10
Not Training (no notice before 4pm) 10
In your Bedsheets, when u see the Team-Sheet, pay the boogeyman 10
Forgot Gday Gear /ITEM 10
Giving a Free 10
Phone Rings/Using C Rooms (Gday) 10
Yellow Card 15
ENEMY insigna... wars cost 15
Giving Away a Penalty 20
Game Day, NOOO Show 20
Straight Red Card 30

Softball - Blackhawks

This is the list of fines for the Blackhawks Wednesday night team. All fines are at the discretion of the sheriffs and the judge. Fines that are disputed will go to Court. Fines that are not overturned will be doubled. Video evidence will be utilized at all games. Fines will be used for an end of season BBQ and/or equipment for the following season.

Offence Amount
Walk Off Grand Slam -2
Making Spectacular Catch/Play -1
Hitting a Grand Slam -1
Walk Off Hit/Walk -1
Strike Out Player Looking -1
Picking Off Runner at First (Catcher) -1
Double Play Unassisted -1
Outfield Assist at Home Play -1
Diving Catch (Needed to Dive) -1
Strike Out Player Swinging -0.5
Outfield Assist -0.5
Backing up Play, preventing extra base -0.25
Leaving Runners on Base 0.1
Fielder's Choice 0.25
Not covering the base 0.25
Striking Out - Nobody On Base 0.5
Over/Under Throwing the Pitcher 0.5
Not On Deck 0.5
Error on Routine Grounder (Including throws) 0.5
Dropping a Double Play Ball at 2nd 0.5
Making an Error, Even if Scorekeeper Doesn't Recognize It 0.5
Popping Out Foul 0.5
Dropped Catch 0.5
Dropping a Throw at 1st Base 1
Striking Out - RISP 1
Striking Out for 3rd Out 1
Dropping a Routing Fly Ball 1
Missing the Cutoff Man on Routine Hit (Unless on line to Base) 1
Bad Throw to Base Resulting in Extra Base for Runner 1
Not Hustling out of the Box 1
Arguing with a Call (Besides Manager) 1
Misplayed ball in outfield that leads to home run / extra bases 1
Complaining about being Subbed for a Runner 1
Running Mistake Turns into Out 1
Not Sliding into 2nd and Called Out 1
Trying to Stretch a Hit and being Called Out 1
Not Calling the Ball 1
Not Running Out a Hit/Pop Fly 1
Called Out at 1st Because you Didn't Run Through Base 1
Hitting Into Double Play 1
Not Wearing a Blackhawks Shirt 1
Showing up Late to Game 2
Complaining About Lineup or Position 2
Striking Out - Bases Loaded 2
Striking Out to End the Game 2
Picked Off at 1st Base 2
Strike Out Looking 2
Missing a Game with No Reason 2
Making First/Last Out at 3B 2
Calling the Ball and Dropping It 2
Running Through a Stop Sign and Being Called Out 2
Giving up on a Play 3
Leaving Tying/Winning RISP to End Game 3
Damaging Equipment (Bats, etc.) 3
Making 3rd Out B/C not aware of Outs 3
Talking Smack/Fighting with Opponents 5

Softball - Legends Div 3 (White)

This is the list or fines for Legends White 2019/2020

Offence Amount
Dropped Catch 1
Running through a base 1
Late to Training 1
Failed to steal on order 1
Late to Match 2
Steal out after no go order 2

Softball - Smithfield Marlins

This is the list of fines for the Smithfield Marlins . Fines will be agreed on by the team and you have a chance to defend or plea your case if you think your fine is unfair. If you it is not overturned you will be penalised with double payment. Fines will be used for an end of season BBQ/Trip or drinks.

Offence Amount
K2 2
Sharking 2
Drop catch 2
Caught stealing 2
Late to game 2
Laughing at own jokes 2
No safe hit 2
Clash on fly ball 2
Ground ball through legs 3
Tripping over running to first base 3
Being a dog 3
Forgetting glove/cleats/helmet 3
Last out on loaded bases 3
Standing K2 4
Worst on day 5
Last out to end game 5
Disappointing team members and your parents 5
Missing game for BS reason e.g Birthday 7
Dummy spit 8
Last safe hit 10
Assassin 10

Softball - Woodlands Wolves Div 5 Softball

Wolves Div 5 Fines

Offence Amount
Brandon Hale 100
Fines Master is responsible for all unpaid fines up to the value of 1000

Volleyball - Cardiff University Volleyball Club

This is the list of fines for the purchase of a plastic item while representing the CUVC during the 2019/20 season

Offence Amount
Plastic Item 0.5

Volleyball - VUW Tertiary Volleyball

Late to games, meeting or travel arrangements

Offence Amount
Swearing during fines session 0.5
Lateness to team meetings 1
Failed dispute of a fine 1
Serving after the allocated net time has finished 1
Falcon 1
Leaving property at stadium 1.5
Using phone during team meeting or fines session 1.5
Lateness to travel arrangements 2
Lateness to games 2
Forgotten item of playing uniform 3
Forgotten playing shoes 3
Arguing with the referee 5
Trying to start a fight 5

Volleyball - Esat

Offence Amount
Myöhässä 5
Verkon ali/ohi 20

Want to share your team's list of common fines and help others? Go ahead and join, add your team, then add your very own fine schedule for all to see. Many thanks to those who have already shared their schedules for others.